2022 WASHTO Region Nominations

Quality of Life/Community Development

Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities: Kivalina Evacuation and School Site Project

Idaho Transportation Department: AMPing it up in Sandpoint

Montana Department of Transportation: Toston Structures Project: Upgrading Aging Infrastructure for Multimodal Safety on US-287

New Mexico Department of Transportation: I-25 University Ave Project

North Dakota Department of Transportation: Mandan Roundabout

Oklahoma Department of Transportation: Pathway to Hope

South Dakota Department of Transportation: Manderson Pathway

Texas Department of Transportation: US 281 North Expansion, Segment 1

Utah Department of Transportation: Utah Valley University Pedestrian Bridge

Washington State Department of Transportation: Active Transportation Plan–2020 and Beyond

Washington State Department of Transportation: Mukilteo Multimodal Ferry Terminal Project

Best Use of Technology & Innovation

California Department of Transportation: 360 Tours

North Dakota Department of Transportation: Beulah Retrofit Roundabout

Oklahoma Department of Transportation: I-25 Historic Route 66 Bridge at Captain Creek

South Dakota Department of Transportation: Maintenance Decision Support System

Texas Department of Transportation: ConnectSmart Mobility Platform and App

Operations Excellence

Idaho Transportation Department: Fastlane: Conquering Corridor Challenges

Nebraska Department of Transportation: Super 2 Corridor–McCook to North Platte

Oklahoma Department of Transportation: US-81/SH-66 Rock Island Bridge

South Dakota Department of Transportation: Singing Bridge Emergency Closure and Repair

Texas Department of Transportation: Lowest Stemmons Project

Washington State Department of Transportation: I-5 Steilacoom-DuPont Rd to Thorne Lane-Corridor Improvements